Corporate responsibility
Sleep Cycle shall run an organization based on ethical business practices and compliance in all aspects of its operations. There is zero tolerance for all forms of corruption.
Sleep Cycle's code of conduct sets the framework for how we act as a company as well as for how our employees act in relation to customers, suppliers and the rest of society. The Code of Conduct is based on the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights and the UN Global Compact. In 2022, we also developed a sustainability policy that defines our positions and commitments. The Code of Conduct and Sustainability Policy are closely linked and reflect our culture and approach to the world around us and to each other. They cover all employees and all companies owned or controlled by Sleep Cycle.
The development of Sleep Cycle's services happens primarily within the company, which means that our purchases are limited. However, our expectations from the suppliers we work with are clear; they are required to comply with human rights, good business ethics, laws and regulations. We manage these expectations as part of the supplier agreement process.
In our efforts to maintain a transparent business climate and high business ethic, ensuring the safety and integrity of all people affected by our operations is also important to us. For those who wish to bring to our attention that something improper has occurred or that there are shortcomings in compliance, our whistleblower function is available on our website for anonymous reports. In 2023, no cases were reported through the whistleblowing channel.