Meet Fredrik
Fredrik - QA Engineer
Fredrik’s passion for quality testing keeps the Sleep Cycle software running smoothly and he is always looking to see our products through to create the best software experience for our users.
What do you do and what do you love about your role?
I’m a QA Engineer which is a role that’s really all over the place. I like that every day is different. I get to be involved with the product from an early stage, test it, release it and also see what our customers think about it.

How would you describe Sleep Cycle in three words?
Caring, innovative and fun.
Favorite Sleep Cycle Benefit?
The free massages. It’s a really nice benefit, although I need to become better at remembering to use them!
Favorite Sleep Cycle feature?
Our sleep aids. I’ve been listening to them almost every night. It has become a routine at this point.